

Jason老师编辑于 2022-11-12   20   0   
  申请英国留学读研究生的同学们该如何进行套磁呢?相信很多同学对套磁信的书写还不甚了解,今天小编老师为各位带来了英国留学套磁信模板一览表。   首先给大家带来了套磁信的书写模板。   一、主动通知对方   I am writing this letter to inform you I submitted my application and supporting…   This is to inform you…   I wish to inform you that I have made arrangements for an official transcript and TOEFL scores to be sent…   Please be informed…   Please be advised…   二、初次答复(以主语开头)   Thank you for your letter for regarding the status of my application…   I have received your letter of August 15,2010 with regard to your kind approval fo my application for admission…   I am in receipt of your letter of August 15, 2010 in regard to the Admissions Commitee's decision on my…   I wish to ackonwledge with thanks receipt of your letter…concerning the requirements for admission to your ** program…   I am please to receive your letter dated Aug. 15 as to…   relative to   三、初次答复(不以主语开头)   With regard to   With reference to   In reference to   Referring to your letter of August 15,2006 .....   answering to   In reply to   Replying to   Concerning   四、补充答复   In further reply to your letter of August 15,2010 …   With further reference to…   五、接信时表示喜悦   I noted with pleasure…   I was pleased to learn…   I was glad to know…   I was delighted to learn from your letter of August 15,2010…   I was gratified to learn…   It is gratifying to learn…   It is a pleasure to learn…   六、接信时表示不愉快或遗憾   I am sorry to learn…   I was disappointed to learn from your letter of August 15,2010…   I learned with rergret…   I was surprised to learn…   七、说明申请资料处理情况   The official TOEFL score have been requested and will reach you very soon   The official GRE score will reach you soon.   General Test scores will arrive in your office shortyly…   The official GMAT scores should be available in the near future.   It will come out before the end of January…   八、查询申请状况   Please let me know the status of my applicatio.   Please tell me if my application is complete with all supporting materials.   I would like very much to know whether I need to furnish my further credentials.   I would appreciate it very much if > when I can receive your decision regarding my application.   you would let me know my application.   It is requested the you let me know when you will evaluate my application.   when the I-20 Form will be issued.   九、结尾(希望对方答复)   I look forward to your reply.   I am looking forward to your early reply.   I hope to receive > your prompt reply.   I shall appreciate your good news.   I shall be glad to have your further news..   your favorite reply.   an early reply from you.   十、结尾谢语   Your assistance is very much apreciated.   Your cotinued assistance will be appreciated.   Your advice and guidance are very much appreciated.   Thank you very much for your kind attention.   Many thanks for your assistance.   I want to thank you again for your kind assitance in regard to my application.   Please accept my deep appreciation for the assistance you have kindly extended in regard to my application.   I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the assistance and guidance you have provided in regard to my application.   接着给大家讲讲书写会遇到哪些问题。   一、时间问题   一般的申请人都是在寄好了申请材料了,然后再考虑套磁,但是此时人多,效果不佳。有效的套磁应该提前半年开始,即入学前一年度的六七月份。此时大部分申请人还只是忙于准备考试。要提前套磁就需要提前做好专业背景的准备。要在对于教师的研究背景比较熟悉,效果方佳。   二、思路问题   基本上是以“我希望申请XX时间的XX课程,我对你的研究项目非常感兴趣,附件为我的背景”这种思路来展开。但这种思路有两个主要错误,一是把范围定得太死,往往发给一个教授以后,若是教授不回信的话,就难于再联系第二个教授了。因为前一封信已经明确表明“对某某老师的项目非常感兴趣”,假若再用此方法联系别的老师的话,一旦被发现就前后矛盾了。二是太过功利, 这是因为一上来就告诉对方你是因为希望申请他的课程,而这样的表述方式第一时间就让对方知道你是希望“套”他。在经历过无数的学生骚扰后,这样的信件也只能是被拖进垃圾箱。   三、学术问题   一般来说,做得稍好的套磁都会深入到学术讨论的层次。这里最容易被胜利冲昏头脑,认为对方已经对自己很感兴趣,同时希望表现自己的学术热情,与教授争论某个学术问题。这里要提防的是,除非你的专业见解真的具体说服力,否则很容易变成班门弄斧,我就看过一个申请者由于过度表现而导致套磁产生反效果,结果对方老师抛出一句,“我们不在同一水平上,沟通有难度”。   四、频率问题   好的套磁信基本上是立竿见影的,假若老师不回信,这说明当中肯定出了问题。这时一般申请人往往是追加信件,问对方有无收到。这样的效果也不佳。会给对方增加压力,同时为以后的沟通设置了障碍。   最后来看看如何提高套磁信的回复率?   一、分清楚专业再套磁   想要进行高校的套磁,大家一定要分清楚专业,因为并不是所有专业都是需要套磁的。相对来说,如果是文科生的话,选择套磁并没有太大的意义,因为套磁更加适合理科生。对于理科生来说,获得的奖学金是属于教授研究经费当中的一部分,所以教授更加有资格决定,是否要给你颁发奖学金。   相对来说,文科生的奖学金一般都是由院校决定的,教授所起的作用非常有限。另外,申请需要知道的是,套磁并不是万能的,只是增加大家成功录取以及获得奖学金的几率,而且还需要靠申请者和导师之间的有效沟通才可以。   二、套磁的时间问题   对于申请者来说,申请材料都是寄给学校之后,然后才开始考虑套磁的问题。但是提醒大家,这个时候套磁的人会很多所以反而没有什么太大的效果。如果想要有不错效果的套磁,那么建议大家在半年之前就可以开始准备了,也就是入学前一年的6/7月份左右时间。但是这个时间,很多申请者还要忙于考试的准备。   推荐阅读:   英国留学学生宿舍申请须知   英国牛津大学留学有哪些优势   2020英国留学体检及注意事项   英国伦敦艺术大学留学申请要求